Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Spring Break Part I.. Madrid!

My friends and I decided to go to Madrid, Barcelona and Vienna for our spring break... I'd never been to Madrid before but my friends that have studied abroad there told me it was the best! And they were totally right! The weather was beautiful, the people were fun, there were so many cool stores, beautiful plazas and awesome food and sangria! We got to see some friends from SLU and celebrated Cody's 21st birthday which was awesome! Maryn and I spent a lot of time in El Retiro Park, where we rowed the row boats which was really fun (I have pictures!). We went to Plaza de Sol for lunch and Plaza Mayor to hang out in the afternoon. We also went on a bus tour where we saw the Royal Palace, The Bank of Spain, and a LOTTT of statues! Everything in Madrid was so laid back. The food there was TOO good! We ate a lot of Tapas and Ice Cream :) Here are some PICTURES!

mmm lunch :)

a little lunch time entertainment whatsup minnie mouse?


maryn getting her row on!

PLAZA MAYOR! (one of my friends has some great pictures of us and "spiderman" that I'll add later :) )

haha mel...

The Glass Market Fruit! SOO good!


Miss you guys!!! :)


okay so I know I've been totally lame with updating my blog but I promise that once I catch up with this post and spring break I'll be much better about it! woooo!

So hyper right now so this post might be a little spazzy!

I got to spend a weekend in Edinburgh with three friends from my trip as a "study tour" where we were basically supposed to compare english and scottish culture... I didn't really have any expectations going into my trip, I just knew that the Scots really enjoy their whisky and rugby! ;) I don't think that I could have ever imagined how beautiful Edinburgh is, it's unlike anywhere I've ever been before! The city is breathtaking, there are beautiful castles, statues, and museums, mixed with parks, bagpipers and kilts EVERYWHERE! The people were AWESOME sooo outgoing and friendly and really easy to talk to!
a little bagpipe action for ya!
000h h333y
peace up ace town down
me and padma!!! so tired after a 4 am departure EEK!
MY GROUP! James. Me, Padma, Lizzie
see ya!